Our Leadership Team

CEO - Dr. Amjad Rana

A seasoned leader with a keen eye for innovation in the field of analytical testing. Dr. Rana steers Nexus Labs with a commitment to excellence and a passion for empowering the community through science and technology.

COO - Engr. Mohammad Ahmad

With extensive experience in operational management, Engr. Ahmad ensures that every process at Nexus Labs is streamlined for efficiency and effectiveness, upholding the highest standards of service delivery.

Technical Director - Arslan Khan

Our Technical Director is the driving force behind Nexus Labs' innovative edge. Known for versatile problem-solving and dynamic leadership, he steers our team through the industry's varied technical challenges with a commitment to growth and adaptability.

Our Approach to Management

Our management philosophy is rooted in the belief that great leadership is the cornerstone of any successful enterprise. We invest in continuous professional development, ensuring that our leaders are equipped with cutting-edge knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of analytical and testing services.

"Integrity, innovation, and insight drive our leadership at Nexus Labs. Together, we're setting new standards for what it means to lead in the scientific community, all while contributing to the thriving future envisioned by Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030."